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Surrender or cancel a liquor licence

If you no longer want or need your liquor licence or permit, this page outlines how to surrender or cancel it.

If your business closes, or your tenant has left the premises, and you no longer want the liquor licence or permit, you should surrender or cancel it.

By surrendering or cancelling the licence or permit, you will no longer be liable for liquor related offences.

If a liquor licence is required in future, you can re-apply at any time.

Surrender a licence or permit

A licensee or permittee who no longer wants their licence or permit, can apply to surrender the liquor licence.

To complete a surrender application you need to provide us:

  • A completed surrender a liquor licence or permit application form
  • A letter of consent from your freehold owner agreeing to the surrender
Surrender a liquor licence or permit
PDF 212.33 KB
(opens in a new window)

The letter from the freehold owner must confirm in writing that they agree to surrender the licence or permit. The freehold owner is the person or entity that owns the premises you are operating in. They will hold the title for the land and usually pay the council rates.

If you cannot get a letter of consent from your freehold owner, you can give us their contact details such as email or phone number.

Cancel a licence or permit (for owners or mortgagees)

As a freehold owner or mortgagee of a licensed venue or shop, you may decide that you do not want the liquor licence or permit anymore. You can apply to cancel the liquor licence or permit only if you are currently in possession of the premises.

To complete a cancellation application, you need to provide us with:

  • A completed cancel a licence or permit form
  • A document to prove that you are the owner or mortgagee of the premises, such as a copy of the title of the land or most recent council rates notice
Cancel a licence or permit – owner or mortgagee
PDF 393.5 KB
(opens in a new window)

LCV will contact the current licensee to confirm if they still require the liquor licence or permit.

Release from obligations

As the tenant of a licensed premises and you decide to leave without surrendering the liquor licence or permit, you should write to LCV. In your letter or email, you can request to be released from your obligations as a licensee.

Your letter must contain the following information:

  • Your licence or permit number
  • Your licensed premises address
  • The date your lease expired and/or the date that you will leave the premises
  • The signature of the licensee
    • If the licensee is an individual, that individual can sign the letter
    • If the licensee is a company or incorporated association, one director or executive committee member must sign the letter
    • If the licensee is a partnership, all partners must sign the letter
  • The date the letter was signed

You cannot be released before you have the left the premises.

How to lodge your application

You can lodge a surrender, cancellation or release from obligations via email or mail.

For our contact details please visit Contact Liquor Control Victoria.

When lodging any requests or applications, please include all required information or your request will not be processed.
